Decision Support Tool Index:
Software Systems:
General Ledger Software Decision Tool - Our GL Software System Decision Survey takes you through an interview to help you narrow down the best system out of a base of 15 of the most current systems over all price ranges. Our decision tree will take your responses to multiple criteria and tell you which of these software systems could best meet your needs:
Intuit QuickBooks Oracle NetSuite ERP Microsoft Dynamics GP
Sage 100c & Sage 300c Financial Force Epicor Financial Mgmt.
FreshBooks Sage Intacct Oracle ERP Cloud
Xero Unit 4 Financials SysPro
Gravity Software Infor Enterprise Acumatica Financial
This interactive Excel worksheet walks you through 8 different criteria (Price Range, Multi-Location, Reporting, AR-Billing, AP-Vendor, Time & Expense, Fixed Assets and Purchasing/Inventory ) to collect your requirements for the GL Software System and then generates the most appropriate recommended system or systems that would best fit your need out of these 15 top General Ledger software programs.
Loan & Lease:
Lease Analysis Model - Download our lease analysis model to confirm if your lease is currently a capital or operating lease and use this model to negotiate much better pricing via a lower lease rate factor.
Our Capital vs. Operating Lease Test & “Lease vs. Buy” model helps you determine the metrics of your lease and will help you negotiate a much better lease rate factor! The model will also tell you if it makes more sense to purchase the item outright via financing rather than leasing from the vendor.
Lease Analysis & Negotiation - This article will walk you through how to use our lease analysis model to analyze any new lease offers and then use the model to support your negotiating a substantially lower lease rate.
Cash & Treasury Management:
Daily Cash Management Tool - Download this valuable treasury management tool to assist you with daily cash balance control.
Forecasting & Budgeting:
Headcount Budget Model - Download this valuable headcount budget model that you can duplicate for multiple departments to help you plan out your next year’s staffing plan including all payroll taxes, benefits and merit increase based on your inputs to our assumption section.
This robust department payroll worksheet tool will help you fully project multiple department payrolls for the upcoming year and can be added to any budgeting program or worksheet. It includes, date of hire, merit increase, bonus %, healthcare cost, federal and state taxes and even expected monthly mileage and travel reimbursement.